The purpose of this roadmap and self-evaluation toolkit is to allow establishments to work collaboratively to identify where they are in their assessment and moderation journey. The resource will also aid in identifying strengths and next steps in order to drive forward continuous improvement. Click on each stage to view the Challenge Questions and the Resources button to find a wealth of useful documents, research papers and other resources. The Self-Evaluation Toolkit is an interactive tool to help establishments identify where there is good practice in relation to assessment and moderation.
Highly skilled and confident practitioners who can deliver high-quality learning experiences that are motivating and meaningful for all children and young people in order to maximise their successes and achievements. (HGIOS 2.3)
How confident are staff with each element of the moderation cycle?
Does this allow you to identify individual and collective CLPL opportunities?
In what ways does the Learning, Teaching and Assessment (Moderation) cycle support school improvement processes?
Engaging with the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Cycle
Are practitioners using a range of assessments i.e ongoing, periodic, high quality, standardised assessments?
What ways are learners involved in the assessment process?
School / establishment approaches to assessment
Is there clarity around school’s approach?
Is this consistently applied across all stages?
Does an assessment framework make clear key checkpoints for assessments?
Does an assessment framework showcase not only the assessments, but the type of assessment being used?
To what extent are teachers involved in analysing assessment data as part of planning?
How do tracking meetings support use of assessment evidence? Does the assessment inform next steps and relevant interventions?
Framework for assessment
To what extent do practitioners plan together using standards/benchmarks?
To what extent is evidence gathered effectively and moderated with others across the curriculum and across the year?
Is the evidence gathered discussed during tracking conversations?
Through planned moderation activity are practitioners developing confidence in their practice and their ability to track learner progress?
Is progress over time also being moderated? Eg P1, P4, P7, S1, S3?
Are there opportunities for colleagues to moderate across the curriculum, eg colleagues moderating out with literacy and numeracy, and in Secondary schools moderation taking place across subject/curricular areas, eg English teachers moderating in Social Subjects, Maths teachers moderating in Science?
Moderation within establishments
What opportunities have been provided to allow for the standards and expectations to be moderated across establishments? What impact has this had on the practice of practitioners?
How often is moderation taking place across establishments?
As a result of moderation activity, how confident are practitioners with each element of the Learning, Teaching and Assessment cycle?
Moderation out-with establishments