The West Partnership

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Wellbeing for Learning

The Wellbeing for Learning Workstream recognises the importance of wellbeing in the learning process and aims to empower practitioners to provide the best possible environment for learners.

It aims to:

Fiona MacKenzie


Wellbeing for Learning


We are working to achieve this through a wide variety of activities including:

Inclusion series

Inclusion Series

Wellbeing for Learning Workstream is delighted to be able to offer the following professional learning sessions within the Inclusion Series.  To sign up, please use the links/QR codes in the WP Professional Learning Brochure. 

  • Local Authority Circle Training
  • Local Authority Young Leaders of Learning Training
  • Co-Regulation and De-Escalation
  • Communication Rich Environments
  • Expectations and Consequences
  • DYW, WOW and STEM in ASN Settings
  • Sexual Violence Prevention
  • Play in response to Trauma
  • Strategies to support ADHD
  • Developmental Language Disorder
  • The HENRY Approach (for establishments in NHSGCC)
  • Speech and Language Support for Bilingual Learners
  • Children’s Rights: Resources and Supports
  • Your Body Matters
Family and Community Learning Series

Family and Community Learning Series

Wellbeing for Learning Workstream is delighted to be able to offer the following professional learning sessions within the Families and Communities Series

Series.  To sign up, please use the links/QR codes in the WP Professional Learning Brochure. 

  • Principles of Family Learning
  • Planning, Evidencing and Evaluating Family Learning
  • Creative Approaches to Family Learning
  • Family Learning - Additional Support Needs
  • ESOL Family Learning: College - School Partnership
Attendance Collaborative Action Research Series

Attendance Collaborative Action Research September 2024

The West Partnership is delighted to offer this programme on attendance in schools, in partnership with Education Scotland and the Robert Owen Centre (ROC). The sessions will provide educators, working in primary and secondary sectors, with an opportunity to explore methodologies to support improving attendance in their setting. In addition to professional learning in the areas of data analysis, self-evaluation and enquiry, there will also be an opportunity to hear from participants from cohort 23-24 who will share their approaches and the impact it had. To sign up, please use the links/QR codes in the WP Professional Learning Brochure.

  • support in-depth analysis of your school’s attendance data
  • examine evidence of what might work through self-evaluation strategies
  • consider planning for sustainable change
  • provide opportunities for networking and collaborating with colleagues across Local Authorities
CLD Local Authority Leads

CLD Lead Contact in your Local Authority

East Dunbartonshire Council
Drummond Stewart :

East Renfrewshire Council
Susan Craynor :

Glasgow City Council
Andy Robinson :

Inverclyde Council
Hugh Scott :

Renfrewshire Council
Fiona Taylor :

North Lanarkshire Council
Lesley Inglis :

South Lanarkshire Council
Joan McVicar :

West Dunbartonshire Council
Jane Logue :

Education Scotland
John Galt :

CLD Support

The West Partnership have been working in collaboration with Youthlink Scotland and Education Scotland to support establishments in evaluation of their partnership working. In the first Cohort (2021-22) we worked with seven partnerships and details of their work can be found by clicking on each of the links below. Our cohort of partnerships involves partners from six of our local authorities.

Coming soon.

Specialist Networks

Specialist Networks

Areas of focus:

Specialist Networks are where groups of practitioners collaborate to share experiences and expertise. This can result in the development of resources or professional learning opportunities.  The Specialist Networks promote the sharing of knowledge and expertise across local authorities promoting cross sector collaboration.

The CLD Managers Network aims to share practice in CLD service and delivery.  It has a core role in promoting partnership working between CLD and education practitioners. It is integral to the work of the West Partnership to promote and support youth participation.  The CLD Managers’ Network also supports our work with families and communities.

The CLD network supports the work of the West Partnership’s nominated Youth Ambassadors, enabling them to share their views on the work of the West Partnership.

Areas of focus include:

Collaboration across local authorities to create a Regional Improvement Collaborative central resource are for PSHE covering 3-18

Delivery of PSE Professional Learning linked to PSE review and Young Scot data

Areas of focus include:

Sharing of approaches in relation to national policy

Equitable and personalised curriculum which supports varied needs of learners.

Approaches to Positive Relationship Policies

Consistency across the WP in how we engage with parents, ensuring consistency if families relocate across authorities.

Information sharing/storing/data protection.

Collation & sharing of resources.

Collaboration across local authorities to share practice in supporting learner’s needs and inclusion.

Collaboration across local authorities to address priorities in The Promise implementation plan and to create a Regional Improvement Collaborative central resource for all colleagues.

Collaboration across local authorities to share practice and expertise when working to improve attendance. This group will also work to support establishments through a Collaborative Action Research offer.

Collaboration across local authorities to address priorities in UNCRC.

Spotlight on Attendance March 2023

Improvement Plan 2024-25

Download here

Curriculum, Learning, Teaching & Assessment

Collaborative learning

Wellbeing for Learning


Leadership, Empowerment & Improvement


Evaluating & Reporting


West OS


Events & Communication

Light bulb ideas


Remote Learning

Remote Learning

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